Revisions to the HRP-503 - Templates

August 7, 2018

The “HRP-503 - Template - Protocol - No Instructions” and “HRP-503 - Template - Protocol” have been revised and are now available on the “Templates” webpage. 

Changes to both forms include:

  • Reformatted the templates to better distinguish between questions and answers
  • Added brief instructions at the top of the first page
  • Removed Principal Investigator question and replaced with Click Study ID question
  • Added exempt category numbers
  • Added a question about whether the study involves research involving subjects from the European Union
  • Added an acknowledgement for exempt research regarding approvals/permissions from other sites
  • Added a question (22B) to determine if the project involves the use of the MSU Pharmacy
  • Added a question (23) to determine if the project involves gene therapy, use of a contrast agent, or use of human stem cells

Please use the revised templates for new submissions.