Update to HRPP Manual Sections

April 23, 2021

Section 8-9, Closure

HRPP Manual Section 8-9, Closure, has been updated to indicate that a study may be closed before a sponsor required close-out visit in limited circumstances. For example, a study may be closed before a sponsor required close-out visit when no subjects have been enrolled and no identifiable private information is maintained. 

The updated HRPP Manual section is available at 8-9, Closure.

Section 4-4, Institutional Official

HRPP Manual Section 4-4, Institutional Official (IO) has also been updated to include:

  • Updated to indicate the IO's position instead of a specific name
  • Updated Research and Graduate Studies to Research and Innovation
  • Removed U.S. Department of Defense Addendum (no longer required)
  • Added “responsibility” for delegation of signing documents
  • Added the requirement for use of an External IRB if the IO is an investigator or co-investigator on a human research project

The updated HRPP Manual section is available at 4-4, Institutional Official

If you have any questions, please email the IRB office at IRB@msu.edu.