Institutional Authorization Agreement

An Institutional Authorization Agreement may cover all human research that engages or otherwise requires IRB review between two institutions. Institutional Authorization Agreements can be reciprocal (i.e. both institutions can rely upon each institution's IRB) or one way (i.e. where one institution agrees to rely upon the other institution's IRB). Each institution retains authority to determine whether to conduct its own review on a project specific basis.

MSU has a few established Institutional Authorization Agreements. For questions, please contact Kim Hess

MSU has entered into Institutional Authorization Agreements, with reliance upon another Institution as the IRB of record, with the following entities:

  • National Cancer Institute Central Institutional Review Board
  • Advarra

MSU is also a participating member of the SMART IRB. The SMART IRB is a common IRB reliance agreement. Apart from established Institutional Authorization Agreements, MSU prefers use of the SMART IRB agreement for reliance.